Olivia's Graduation Week

May 26th was Olivia's last day of school...of high school! Of being a kid! Yeah it's been hard for me to get  my head wrapped around that too. 

May 30th
Thursday was the senior recognition night where administrators announced what achievements seniors received. 

Olivia received many cords for different academic achievements: science, history, deans list, eclipse, sports med, and for graduating. There were a couple others but I can't remember what they were. I just want to say "Good job Olivia!"

After the achievement recognition we viewed the senior slideshow. Look at Olivia's baby picture! She was such an adorable baby and now such a beautiful young woman! I love those two pictures of her on the right side of the slide. 

Olivia's graduation announcement and party invite. She was so excited for this day! I wanted it to be something special for her. 

June 2
Sunday was seminary graduation. 

Emily's family is staying their annual week at my parents so it worked out that they were able to be here on this special week for Olivia. I appreciate Emily and Emma coming to seminary graduation to support Olivia. 

We miss Lindsey while she's at school but we're so excited that she will be able to make it for graduation!

June 4th
What can I say? I like to do things for my kids that mean a lot to them and show them I love them. Dairy Queen used to make these fudge stuffed cookies and they were Olivia's favorite. A few years ago they discontinued serving them. So I found a recipe to make some for her after she was talking bout them one day. It was the first time ever making these cookies and they turned out sooo good! Just look at that gooey chocolate fudgy center! Olivia said they hit the spot. 

June 5th

Gearing up for Olivia's graduation and took a few pictures outside in her cap and gown.

My favorite Liv and my favorite pup.

They're both kinda my favorite :) 

I'm so not ready for this! I'm so happy and proud of her but yet I can't come to grips that I need to let her go. And because she's going to be working in Las Vegas for the summer she leaves the day after graduation!

Later she was off to walk the schools with her graduating classmates.

Olivia got to walk the halls with other seniors at her elementary school, Barbara McClintock. Which also happens to be the elementary school that Jaime opened up. So it was pretty special to get a picture of the two of them in front of the school. 

June 8th

It's here! I can't believe it. 

Jaime introducing the graduates...

then they enter the stadium to "Enter Sandman" by Metallica. Just like when Lindsey graduated.

I can't get over the emotion that rushes over me as I see the flood of blue as they walk down into the stadium. It literally brings me to tears! I had to try hard not to just start bawling. My sisters saw me crying and gave me hugs as I watched my seniors. 

Olivia and her friends, friends she's spent many nights hanging out with the last handful of years, ended up  being almost the last ones walking in and got to sit together during the ceremony. These 8 kids sure have some fun memories. I don't know why but them all sitting together during graduation just seemed so special to me. 

Lining up getting ready to walk up for their diplomas.

There she is!

And nothing, nothing, is as special at this ceremony like seeing the principal hug and congratulate his own daughter. 

She did it!


Grandpa and Grandma Morales

Olivia, Lindsey, Brynnlee

Olivia and Brynnlee

Bel and Chris

Marcus, Aide, Liandrew

Granda Naylor

Grandma Naylor

Grandpa and Grandma Naylor


Elizabeth, Jocelyn, James

Wescott, William, Emma, Rachael, Emily

Mom and Dad

Classic! Dates back to when my parents got married. 

The fam 😁

I'm so grateful for al the support my kids get. 

I think Jaime will miss seeing Liv around campus.


These two get to be at school together in the Fall!

Two years ago. Time flies.

Marcus, Jaime and Bel. I'm so grateful for all the love and support Jaime gets!

The cutest of them all, Liandrew. He's such a character. 

Superintendent Michelle Whitney. Olivia served on the Student Action Council where she got to work with Michelle. 

Sam and Olivia

Olivia's grad party/open house. We decked it out with her achievements. 

These sports posters are my fav. I think it's so cool they do these for the seniors. 

Sponsor posters the fence. 

The school year photos up to the gate.

I printed her first day of school pics from kindergarten up to 12th grade and then pictures on the gate of her in her cap and gown. 

On every table the centerpieces had pictures of Olivia in the flowers. 

It was a perfect day to be outside!

Lots of desserts supplied by multiple hands. Diana, Bel, Aide, and me. 

Somehow I didn't get a picture of the food! We had tacos (asada and adobada), rice, beans, salsas, aquas fresca. It was a big hit by everyone who came. And also the best tacos according to others who had been to other grad parties. haha It was a great day. Later Olivia left to go be with friends and then went to the senior party. I know she will have a great time.  And then tomorrow I take her to Las Vegas! 😢



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