Moving On

Lots of tears were shed when Olivia had to say good bye. She wasn't ready to leave home, especially so soon after graduation. There were a couple more open houses of friends that he wanted to go to as well. But the girl has a job that starts Monday so off we went. I'm so glad I got to go with her though.

She's the cutest little dental sterile tech! Their scrubs are so sharp. 

Brian is so patient, a good teacher, and so happy to have Olivia there. I know she's nervous to be there because she just doesn't know Brian as well like Lindsey does. (Olivia's words.) I told her that Brian is so easy going that she's gonna click with him and find she enjoys being around him. 

It was way too short. I got to spend a few days in Vegas with them but when Brian and Liv took me to the airport this morning I couldn't keep my eyes from watering. It's true, my kids are my friends. I have such a connection with each one of them. I'll miss Olivia so much. It doesn't get easier saying bye. I know I'm doing the right thing. As much as I'd love to keep her home and she'd love to stay home, I need to be the parent and help her get ready to become more independent. I just feel that the stage she's in I want to keep her there. Maybe just a couple years more. Pretty please? 
I love you Liv Luv. Good luck at this new venture. You're going to rock it and I know that you're going to enjoy being there. 



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