And then she turned 6!

My baby girl turned six! She's been counting down the days, believe me. I gave her the options of what she could do to celebrate her birthday. She chose to have a family party. One of her treats was being able to stay Friday night at her Grandma Marcia's house. So we had the party there at my Mom and Dad's since Lindsey and Olivia were already there. It also made it easier for my grandma and grandpa Noble to be able to be apart of it. 

The night before the day I baked Olivia's cake she changed her mind about her cake design. 
She has been planning and talking about having Monster High cupcakes all month. I had my plan all figured out on how I was going to make them. Olivia changed from Monster High to having orca whales. I had thought it'd be neat to make a cake with the whales sticking out of the "water" but she wanted me to just frost whales on it. I didn't argue! It was much easier, but actually fun at the same time. She does have a soft spot for orca whales. :) It started when she first saw Free Willy a few years ago. There's something new most people didn't know about Livie.  

Squinkies...these little squishy toys are so cute.

Ever since Tyler got the plush Mickey on his birthday Olivia has felt the need for his better half.
She loves her Minnie Mouse. 

Since her birthday party was Saturday, I wanted her actual birthday to be a special day as well. The boys and I took cupcakes in to Olivia's class during snack time. And don't think it was easy going into a school full of kids expecting my boys to sit still! Crazy but worth it for Olivia. She was beaming from ear to ear. :)

And the usual... breakfast for her birthday dinner. Waffles!

Cards in the mail and special birthday phone calls made her day. I love it when she feels special.
Happy Birthday Liv Luv. We love you!


  1. We miss sweet Olivia! Happy Birthday LIV!! You did such an awesome job on that cake :)

  2. Happy Birthday Olivia! Glad you had a special day!

  3. Oh sweet girl! She is a doll. Her and I share the same love for Orca's. I've wanted to be a marine biologist since I first saw Free Willy. I used to watch that movie over and over. You did very good on the cake. I wish I had that talent. My poor children. I can't believe she's 6, getting so big. Happy Birthday sweet Olivia!


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