Something New

I finally tried a new hair style for my girls' hair. This post is for you Alisha! You're my inspiration.
I thought I'd try this since it is Valentine's Day after all...

Can you see the hearts? Or did I just think I was able to actually create them?

The kids were excited to find treats and new books for them this morning.
Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. That's Awesome! I'm feel so flattered that I'm an inspiration lol! You did a great job:-)

  2. You can totally see the hearts! Her hair turned out SO good, clean, crisp, elegant... professional! So cute :)

  3. Wow that looks amazing! What a talent to have. I could definitely see the hearts. Great job! Happy Valentines Day to you too!

  4. So Cute!! Your kids are amazing. Miss them so much. :)


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