One of the best ways to play

This past weekend Olivia asked me if I could move the dresser part of her bed out from under her low loft bed. She knows there's empty space underneath of it and likes the idea of having a fort under there. I decided that it wasn't that big a deal and there was a perfect spot to place the dresser so I moved it. Everyday now the kids are playing in the fort. They have a lamp, body pillow and their favorite blankets go in with them. And all sorts of random toys make their way in. They like how it's not one that the boys can nock down like previous forts with blankets and couches. :)

This morning the girls got ready for school extra quick so they had some playtime. I had to snag a few pics. It looks like so much fun.
The "gate"

So snug

They got smart and put up a blanket for a "door."


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