Six years ago today...

I was sitting in our stake's first Stake Conference this morning and I got to thinking. So much changes in life. Our ward turned one year old in Janurary and our stake turned one year today. I realized that there was more that seemed significant to me about this day. Six years ago to this date I was sitting in church having mild contractions. It wasn't anything major but slightly uncomfortable. Monday the 20th was President's day (as is tomorrow)so my doctor's office was closed. I had small contractions that started again in the evening and in the middle of the night they became more irritating. Not painful, just noticeable tightening and kept me from sleeping. I remember sitting on the couch in the family room at 3 a.m. reading my pregnancy and labor books. I was induced with Lindsey so I was a little nervous about knowing when to go into the hospital with baby number two. Also I wasn't due until March so I wasn't expecting to be ready to go into labor. Tuesday morning Jaime went off to work and as soon as the doctor's office opened I called and said that I was having contractions through the night and they were around 7-10 minutes apart. She said it sounded like I was in labor and I could go to the hospital. I didn't want to go there and then be told that it was false labor so the nurse said I could come in and have the doctor check me. Jaime left work and we went to the doctors. He said to skip home and go to the hospital.

Well that's what I was thinking about today. It's hard to believe that was six years ago. In two more days I'll be remembering the day my Olivia was born.

This was for My record keeping. :)


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