Many Hands Make Light Work!

That's what my mom used to say to my family all the time growing up. I learned when I was a kid to help do work around the house. We didn't earn money but occasionally on a weekend we could do something special like go to a movie if we got our chores finished in time to go. 

 I haven't always been good at getting my kids to do their work in the house. Sure occasionally I'll have them help do chores like folding clothes, cleaning the bathroom, moping, cleaning light switches and door knobs. But most of the time I do all that during the week while the girls are at school so that the weekends are usually not spent cleaning! Also, I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to cleaning my house. Weird I know, but I like things done a certain way and sometimes it's just easier if I do it.

Since I wanted this centrally located so the kids and I could see it regularly, I didn't want something like a large chart up on my wall. I wanted something that could serve more as a bit of... decor!
Well, after long contemplating how I wanted to get my kids more involved in doing their part around the house and have them want to do it, and me like the look of it, here's what I came up with.

 It's more of a chart where they actively get to see, and move each chore they do. They're pretty happy with it. They have their daily things of course like making the bed, homework,
pick up toys, piano, read 20 minutes, etc.

I bought some metal trays from the Dollar Tree and spray painted them. Lightly sanded the edges for a distressed look. Punched holes through to put a ribbon through and cut out vinyl letters for their names. I put different chores on wooden discs with magnets on the back.
 I put on the chores they need to do and they get to either move it to the bottom of the tray or take it off. In addition to their regular chores I made other discs with chores like, clean family room, dust, vacuum one room, clean bathroom, etc. 
I don't get paid for doing chores so I didn't feel I wanted to pay my kids if they did chores or felt the got some reward for everything they do. They need to learn that they have to do their part in the family. Now if there was some outrageous job that they wanted to do to earn money, that'd be different. I'm all about teaching my kids the importance of work/service in the home as well as learning to earn their money. Nope, no allowance. lol


 Lindsey was happy to have just received a few dollars last weekend after losing her first molar! Olivia has a lose tooth and started wiggling it to make it loosen quicker so she could get more money too. :)
It must look like an easy way to get money.


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