
I was looking through some pictures and thought I'd share a few of them.
They have no rhyme or reason so it won't be a post on a specific topic. :)

Aidan likes to sit with Great-Grandpa and Grandma during meal times.

The kids walking with Grandma and Grandpa Morales. I love it.

Occasionally the boys will sneak in to one of the girls' beds at night.
This time Aidan climbed in with Olivia. 
Most nights it's Tyler with Olivia.

Nerf gun fight!

One night before I went to bed I did my rounds of checking on my babies.
I felt a bump under Lindsey's bedding and found Aidan hiding/asleep.

I'll never understand his obsession with wearing sunglasses upside down.

Aidan had my phone in the car one day. There were a TON of shots like this.

Can't help but smile when he's this happy.

Or when he's happy like this too. He looks as sweet as an angel!
I won't go into details now of why he's not necessarily an angel. ;)

These buds get along (most days)while the girls are at school.
Favorite snack...graham crackers with frosting!

Aidan likes to read. Especially before bed. Most nights he's good at 
asking if he can read The Book of Mormon. He likes to follow
along with the picture scriptures. If there isn't a corresponding picture and he's
ready to read he'll repeat word for word what Jaime or I will read to him.
I'm amazed at how well both Aidan and Tyler can repeat some of the odd, larger words
in the scriptures. 

One day the school had "Mustang Roundup" where the kids could dress
in their 'best western wear.'  We don't have much but these girls did a good
job of coming up with their outfits. They had a blast at the evening "party"
at school as well.

ANY time Jaime gets out any type of tool, even if it's just a screwdriver to
replace batteries, the boys (mainly Aidan) run and get their play tools.
Aidan now stores most of his tools where ever Jaime's are. Play drill with real drill, play
screwdriver with real screwdriver, etc. 
Even when it comes to grilling! Aidan has a toy grill and he hauls his outside whenever his
Dad is grilling. Aidan's grilling utensils are even stored in the kitchen with Jaime's.
The other night Jaime was clearing stuff off our patio because some guys would be
coming to work on it. He moved the grill so Aidan took his grill and moved it off the patio
with Jaime's. Like father, like son definitely! He wants to be just like his Daddy.

Graham crackers and frosting outside
Enjoying the last few days of warm weather. Fall is here. Our night's are cold.
We're making plans for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas already!


  1. Too cute! I got a kick out of Aidan and keeping his tools with Jaime's.

  2. I LOVE random pics :). I've been meaning to post some myself! You guys seriously have some cute cute kids :)


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