Happy Halloween!

The time has come for the cutting of pumpkins and wearing things we normally don't wear 
and give treats and spooks to give others a scare!

Our annual Witch hat cookies.

So easy it's a piece of cake...but better. :)

Aidan likes to unwrap the Hershey Kisses and pop one in his mouth
every now and then.

Then we deliver the goods secretly to someone in our neighborhood. 
This sign has been going around. When you get Booed you make a copy, hang
it in your window then it's your turn to drop off goodies and Boo a neighbor. 
It's great to drive in our development and the majority of all the houses have been booed!
What a neighborhood. :)

Carving pumpkins

This year Tyler really got to help. He lost interest after a while.
His favorite part was seeing the end product.

Go Huskies!
Lindsey's pumpkin

Aidan's has the "flaming'" eyes. 

Olivia's is the scary insect looking one.
Batman (or Biteman as Tyler calls him) is Tyler's.

AAAAND because witch hats are so easy to make we made some more.
For us this time.

Olivia has always been one to really get the pumpkin clean.

Friday Oct 26, 2012
Ready for the ward Party and Trunk or Treat!



                                 Fairy Godmother                                              Cindrella
These girls had other plans for costumes but after seeing Disney Princesses on Ice
they changed their minds. I was happy with it!
I didn't have to make or buy a thing! They have always been in to princesses.
This is Lindsey's 3rd time dressing up as a princess.
It's great because they are my princesses.

Our Trunk, complete with a bottled brain!
The picture doesn't do it justice. 

Checking out the loot!

Tasting it.

Then tonight they get to go out and get LOADS of candy.
This could be dangerous for me. 
Happy Halloween all!


  1. They look so cute!! What a fun Halloween :). And we considered going to the disney on Ice too! Heard it was awesome :)

  2. Replies
    1. wow!That is a lot of candy!h ope you!had fun.p.s. say hi to Lindsey.


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