Our kids have gotten real excited about Family Home Evening lately. They like to do their part 
in the weekly schedule of assignments. 
This week Aidan was in charge of treats. We made spiderwebs!

Here he's laying out the preztels in starburts.

I used regular chocolate chips and mini chocolate chips for the body of the spider and piped 
melted chocolate chips for the legs.

They look pretty good.

Everyone enjoyed them!

Olivia was assigned the activity. She took this seriously and wanted something really fun.
She came up with this "scavenger hunt" all on her own. 
It wasn't really a scavenger hunt but that's what she called it. 
She wrote directions on scrap pieces of paper and taped it to the wall.
She made a trail of Littlest Pet Shop animals throughout the house.
She said we were to follow the animals and when we got to a paper
we were to do the actions that were written.

Following the animal trail up the stairs

Reading the next directions

Here's her written directions

I love her writing.
All the kids thought it was great. Jaime and I followed along as well.
They liked seeing us do jumping jacks through all the bedrooms,
jump on the hard floors, tiptoe in on the carpet, etc. 
The boys were laughing hysterically. 
They can hardly wait for next Monday.

I've been doing things to keep the boys entertained. Recently we've been getting ready for 
Halloween. Aidan and I have tried out his costume, decorated the house and even gotten a bit 

See this ghost? Yep, I made him. A friend asked me if I found the idea online. 
Surprisingly, no! I came up with this on my own. I'm sure I'm not the only one to do this,
I'm not that clever. But I had these paper lanterns in the boys room,
just collecting dust on the top shelf of the closet. I wondered what I could do with them.
This is what I came up with. I love them!

Aidan and I glittered a couple small pumpkins and he helped run my 
Cricut to cut out an "M" for the white pumpkin.
Aidan is so excited for Halloween. Every time we do anything Halloween-ie
he asks if it's Halloween. He's ready to go trick or treating!
Too bad showing him on the calendar doesn't do anything for him. He doesn't 
quite understand the concept of time.

And... another "Fall" project.
The holiday season is approaching! I'm ready and excited for it. :)


  1. So fun! The spiderwebs and ghosts turned out so cute.

  2. So so cute!! I love all of those! They all turned out so well, oh fun :)


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