Giving Thanks

This Thanksgiving was so much fun.We had the usual yummy foods but this time we put together some activities. We all heard how Hostess was closing and Twinkies sky rocketed in
price. Lori jumped on it quick and bought a bunch of boxes and Darin and Mom went and
got some as well. 
The a Twinkie Tower. It's on Lori's bucket list so if she was going to do it 
now was the time.

Lori, Jaime and Darin came up with strategies of how to get the job done.
Lindsey and Olivia liked to watch the progress.

Someone's excited it's working!

Getting there!

Mean while, Grandma, Mom, Lindsey, Olivia, and I worked on making
some Christmas ornaments for those we visit teach.

Pretty glitter but in a clean manner of decorating!
We put the glitter on the inside of the ornie instead of the outside
where it falls off and gets everywhere.

Definitely a fun girly craft.

Mean's getting taller and wanting to fall.

Hey they got it! So it's the leaning tower of Twinkies.
It's up isn't it??

They were happy with the effort and time spent together.

We decided our boys needed to try a twinkie before it was too late.
Tell Tyler it's cake and he'll eat it! He thought it was good.
Aidan didn't want to try it at first but he eventually ate one and really liked it.
He and Tyler ate the last two we had.

The ornaments turned out so pretty and sparkly.

We made a few larger ones. The girls are each giving one to their school teachers.

Happy Thanksgiving. I love spending time with my family. I'm so thankful they are my family!
I couldn't be blessed with better family members or in-laws. I love you all!


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