Not A Baby Anymore

My baby is technically no longer a baby. Sunday December 16, 2012 he turned 3!
Happy Birthday Tyler!

This little squirt has sooo much energy just bursting through him. I think he must be some spiritual giant that just has a hard time being contained in such a small body.
He weighs 32 lbs
  • His favorite color is blue. Any blue truck or car he sees driving he calls his.
  • He likes to look for and count cement and dump trucks while we're driving. Just a short trip to Target we can spot at least 5 cement trucks!
  • Any semi truck he calls "Mack" from the movie cars. When we're in the car he likes to point out the different colors of "macks" that he sees.
  • He can burp on demand better than most adults I know. (gross, I know)
  • He's obsessed with his red blanket. He likes to rub the crochetted edges on his fingers and cheeks
  • He jumps right in to Sunbeams in a few short weeks, January 6th! He did get to go to singing time in primary on Sunday to introduce them to it. He did surprisingly well and sat!
  • He can't sit still for very long. He has to be wiggling and jumping around (drives me crazy)
  • He likes to tell me he loves me :) and give me sweet kisses.
  • He likes PB&J sandwiches and will sometimes eat two for lunch.
  • Kid can chug a gallon of milk a day if I'd let him. It's his favorite.
  • He LOVES popcorn.
  • His favorite letter is T. I wonder why. 
  • He says he's going to play basketball. 
  • He likes to stop playing to give Aidan a hug.
  • He still needs a nap almost daily but fights me on it. When I don't put him down for one he inevitably falls asleep somewhere, generally the couch, while I'm making dinner making bed time hard for him to go to sleep when I want him down at 7:30!
  • He still has a Michael Strahan gap in his teeth (ok it's not as extreme). Most likely he won't have overcrowded teeth like his sister!
  • His favorite meal is "Mac O Cheese."
  • He likes planes, trains, and automobiles, and tractors...even can tell you what a blimp is.
  • Whenever he sees two items where one is bigger than the other, he calls the little one a baby. For example, a large toy Transformer is the dad or mom and the small Transformer is a baby. Bugs Jaime. Boys aren't supposed to play that way apparently. ;)
  • He likes to have "pikey" hair.
  • When he sees his toy Hulk from the Avengers movie he likes to say "Hulk mash!!"
  • He always walks with his hands clasped behind him.
  • I love to kiss his soft baby cheeks!!!
  • He likes to play in the water...any water.
  • Tyler talk : bus school (instead of school bus), nilk (milk), moster truck (large lifted truck)

He was so excited to open gifts. And such a ham. He liked smiling for the picture 
then asked to see it.

Mack! and it hauls monster trucks!!

He got lots of cars, trucks, and trains.
He was given that Hallmark dog that reacts to the story it comes with. 
Tyler thinks it's cute but Olivia has kind of adopted it as hers. She loves stuffed animals with every inch of herself!! Tyler's fine with it...he's got his trucks. :)

This cake was the fastest I've made in a long time and very stress free.

Tyler had a hard time leaving it alone. He wanted to drive the tractors.

I think he made a good wish.

He was ready to pose and say cheese every time!

Birthday presents are fun for all the kids.

Playing with the Avengers

They aren't even a new birthday gift! 

Such a boy. :) 

We had a nice big lunch at 2 for all our guests who came. Roast and potatoes are not Tyler's favorite but after everyone was gone and it was time for dinner, Tyler asked for "mac o cheese." That was his birthday request for dinner.

Thanks to everyone who came. Tyler soaked up the attention. He loves it when a group sings happy birthday to him. His happiness throughout the day was evident.
I love you Tyler. You're an adorable, sweet spirited kid that I'm so blessed to have in my life. 


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