Weekend fun with Aunt Bel

On August 9th I took the kids over to their Aunt Bel's house for some fun and a sleep over.  (Which means another date night for Jaime and me!) Her and Chris took them to see the movie Planes Friday night and spoiled them with a yummy dinner and lots of fun at a sleep over at their house. On Saturday they went to see Chris' delivery truck. Tyler is a huge truck fanatic. He calls all semi trucks Mack as in Mack from the Pixar movie Cars. They each got a turn in the orange "Mack."

Tyler first!



Olivia ready to honk the horn. 

With the kids being gone an entire week and then gone the following weekend made me see Aidan a little differently. He looks so much older, and taller! The other three all looked the same to me but Aidan I could tell is a boy and no longer a toddler. Tyler is my last "little" one and I do enjoy the moments of cuddling with him.
During these days they've been away I've also spent more quality time with Jaime. Which was good because now that school is just around the corner, he's been swamped with work stuff. I miss him more since it's such a drastic change that now he's gone every day, all day, and some late nights after I had him home every day, or at least by 4 p.m. Jaime and I rarely do the regular Friday night date night. I don't "need" it and we don't like getting a babysitter that often or we don't feel like leaving the house. So our dates usually include kids early bed times and us hanging out together. With the kids being gone with family so much recently, it gave Jaime and I many babysitter-less dates. I appreciate all our family does for us and I'm grateful they love our kids almost as much as I do. ;) School will be starting and it'll all be back to the same ol' thing. I've enjoyed this summer and honestly, I'm not ready to send my kids off to school and to have such a strict routine. I do like having the casual, relaxing, laid back days. I love my family, what else can I say?


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