Bel's Sugery

Bel was nervous but anxious for the surgery to be over with. The night before I had this prompting that I wanted to send her something uplifting to read before she went into surgery. So Monday evening I searched online for Ensign articles that I thought would be good for her to read that night. I came across one titled "The Lord Has Not Forgotten You" by Linda S. Reeves 2nd counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency. After I sent it to Bel it wasn't long after that she text me to tell me that it was exactly what she needed to hear. She was home alone and crying as she was getting ready for bed. I'm so grateful the Spirit helped me find just the right message to send to her. I had trouble sleeping that night. I kept thinking about her and worrying. The next morning she told me that she actually did sleep pretty good. My prayers were answered that she would be able to rest. :) Tuesday morning she went early to the hospital at 6 am for her 7:30am mastectom...