Mid March Happenings

March 15
Free Ice Cream cones at Dairy Queen!
Tyler, Aidan, Olivia, Emily, Lindsey
I thought Emily's mom knew I had taken Emily with me. Apparently when Emily went to ask, her mom wasn't there so she asked her sister to let her mom know where she was. That message never got sent so when Susi saw my post on Facebook she said she didn't even know Emily was with me! But glad she knew she was safe. :) Emily comes around and goes places with us so often she could be my third daughter. She's hilarious and when she and Olivia get together they crack me up. Oh and I love Lindsey's gorgeous eyes in this picture. Now that she has contacts I do like being able to see her pretty blue eyes better. 

Warmer weather!! We're getting up in the mid 70s. Kids feel like they're dying of heat already. Boy what are they going to do when we are in the 90s and 100s this summer!?

March 16
I took the kids to the library for a Harry Potter event.

Tyler with his wand and tie and glasses. 

He looks just like Harry Potter, no?

March 17
My little leprechaun. 

Olivia enjoys scavenger hunts. She asked me to make one up so she and her friends could hunt for treasure. It seemed like the logical thing to do on St. Patrick's day right? I didn't have a pot of gold for them to find but I had some goodies in the pantry that they were all pleased to find at the end of their clues. 


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