Easter Hallelujah

We colored eggs Thursday evening. I had bought this set of spill proof containers on clearance a couple years ago. They worked pretty good. No dropping the egg in and colored water splashing up. The green one did leak out the side. The lid was a bit bent so it didn't have a tight seal. Glad I put them on a tray or that vinegar would ruin the table. 😁

I loved the pearly ones. They were made by putting the pearl dye in a baggy and rolling the egg around around in the bag. I like that there wasn't any colored water that could drip and splash onto things.
We have the Easter Bunny come and fill baskets on Friday evening so Saturday can be the fun filled "commercial" stuff of Easter. The kids woke up and found their baskets full of goodies. 
They broke into the play dough right away.

I remember as a kid still wearing my pajamas and walking around our back yard hunting for Easter eggs. My kids now get the same tradition. :)

Considering we still don't have much in our yard (I say that every year) it still amazes me how some eggs can be so difficult to find. 

Easter Morning before church. My handsome boys and beautiful girls! I do like the spring colors of dress shirts for little boys in the spring time. I have gotten some before but I've decided it's time they learn that their best should be a white shirt and tie to prepare them for holding the Priesthood and passing the sacrament. Aidan really wanted a suit, with a pocket on the inside! So we finally got him one. Tyler didn't think he wanted one until he tried it on and thought it was pretty sweet. We've recently had struggles on Sundays getting Tyler to dress for church. He's not too fond of wearing slacks or suit pants, however I think the suit may have helped solve that problem.

I like when they want to dress up. :)

Sunday evening we did our Easter Family Home Evening. We read the Easter story and opened a dozen plastic eggs with objects telling the story.

We like to make the resurrection rolls. They're a good object lesson and they're yummy! While they're baking we watch a video on the resurrection.

We know they'll be empty every time but it's still pretty cool.

The marshmallowy and cinnamon and sugar goodness - yum!

I'm grateful for my Savior and his sacrifice for me. He suffered in Gethsemane for me. I know that whatever trials, fears, sadness,  and low times I may go through He knows how I feel, I'm not alone in it. I'm grateful for the plan and prophets to help guide us through it. My desire to be obedient and try to follow Christ's example has grown so much. I pray I can teach my children the gospel that they will also want to be righteous and strong in the gospel. As we strive to be the best we can we will work toward our goal of being together as a family forever and in the presence of our Heavenly Father. Because Christ died for us and was resurrected we will be resurrected too, and live AGAIN! I'm so blessed with a testimony that I know this is true. 


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