Lindsey's 12th Birthday

On Sunday the 13th we had our monthly family Sunday dinner at my parents and combo-ed it with celebrating Lindsey's birthday. 

She has a pair of boots that she loves to wear and they definitely look it so I was excited to find a good deal on some new ones for her.

Can you tell she was excited to get some? :) 

Her birthday was Friday March 18 and it also happens to be parent/teacher conference week so school's released at 12:30 everyday. I planned Lindsey's birthday party for Friday after school at 1pm.  When talking to Lindsey about what she wanted to do anything I suggested she wasn't over excited for. I asked her what she really wanted to do. She said she'd really like to go swimming. Enough said! I knew what I'd plan. I found a hotel that would let me pay to take the girls swimming. 

I made scavenger hunt cards for the girls for the drive to the pool. They got to keep the multicolor gel  pens and a cute tin with chocolates. 
We waited outside for the last girl to get dropped off. After she got here they were ready to get in the car but then they saw a white Hummer limo coming down the road. They got all excited and joked around "What if it was stopping here! It's our ride!"

They were shocked when it actually stopped in front and Jaime said it was their ride. 

Hayley, Hailey, Libby, Melody, Lindsey, Daphne, Calumet, and Olivia

They were stoked to not have to wear seat belts and sit in such cool surroundings and dance to music.

The boys got to check out the ride. Aidan was pretty bummed that he didn't get to ride in it. I took Aidan and Tyler to Sarah's while I went to the hotel to watch the girls swim. The boys didn't go without getting any fun though. Brandon took Aidan, Tyler, and Mason to see Zootopia in the theater. That was very nice of Brandon to do and totally unexpected. 

Arrived at their destination. 

My girl in her water haven.

Gotta take some time to chill in the hot tub.

They played some pretty fun water games. 

It was cute to see them huddled in a circle to watch her open gifts and here their comments and reactions to each one. You can tell some thought goes in to gifts. 

Lindsey had jell-o angel food cake for her birthday dinner with the Naylors,  donuts with her friends, and DQ ice cream cake with Morales'. Lindsey knows how to celebrate. Those would be my picks if I got three choices for birthday cakes. :)

After donuts the girls went outside for a Nerf gun fight. This is totally Jaime's thing. Look at him showing the big machine gun to Libby. She thought it was AWESOME!

It was a great day. The best was seeing Lindsey just beaming.

Saturday morning at 6:30am the Beehive group and leaders came and woke Lindsey up and took her for breakfast to Krispy Kreme. 
Lindsey was shocked when they were all in her room but it didn't take long for her to get up and going with them. 

Silly girls in their leader's car back up cam. Lindsey has the pink birthday crown on. She's excited to now get to go to Young Women and join in their fun activities. 

Sunday we celebrated her birthday with the Morales clan. 

Lindsey and Chris

Bel and Chris got her a teal themed basket. Nail polish, lip gloss, hair ties, bag, et. 

She got perfume and gift cards galore from Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Marcus. She's ready to go out shopping with gift cards to Target, lunch at places like taco bel and Dairy Queen, and dinner at Olive Garden and for her spare time, an iTunes card to buy new books and music. 


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