Last Day of Chemo!

We were all excited for this day but not as excited as Bel. She was so happy for this day! It was long in coming. It was rough but she trudged through it like a champ.

I was so excited for her I made this sign. We needed to make sure we had documentation of this day we were all awaiting for. 

The nurses surprised her and came in to sing a last chemo treatment song to the tune of happy birthday.

They gave her a bottle of apple cider with all their signatures on it. 

Bel doesn't feel very good after chemo so we didn't get to have a celebration dinner with her but we had a nice dinner in honor of Bel and her accomplishment. It's amazing the happy spirit that everyone seemed to have. We didn't go through the tough yucky days like Bel but we know she hurt so often during it that we were happy for her to be done. 


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