Family Visits!

Brian and Summer and their family came to stay with us the first week of July. I really enjoyed having their cute family stay with us. Jaime and I like visiting with Brian and Summer after the kids are put to bed. The cousins always have a grand ol' time playing and making messes with all the toys. 

One morning we went to Jaime's school to set up the gym for a Nerf gun fight. 

We didn't really do teams. A couple kids would pair off together but for the most part it was "Save yourself!"

The moving trash bins worked great for moving around from base to base without getting hit. 

Tyler and Ezra

Thomas is so silly. 

Can you believe Jaime was shooting me while I was getting a camera shot of him!

After everything was cleaned up and Jaime was putting the last of the "supplies" back in the P.E. closet Brian and I kept the kids entertained by having races back and forth. 

The wheel barrow race was the best. Olivia tried her best to keep Thomas up but the kid didn't have enough arm strength to stay up on his hands so he sort of did an army crawl while Olivia held up his legs. 😆

Olivia, Maybrie, Naomi, Thomas, and Tyler
The kid would hang out laughing, eating snacks, riding bikes and scooters. Brian's family has it made. Making one stop and being able to see siblings and cousins at the same time with us and Christensen's living next door. When they move it won't be as easy. 

Fourth of July treats! Lindsey was a sweetheart and bought Maybrie some shaved ice from WEice. 

The girls camped out in the back of the van with all their glow sticks and treats to eat while watching the fire works. 

Happy Independence day!

Summer stayed home to put Ezra and Henry to bed. They were so tired. She enjoyed reading a book while the rest of us were out. 

We tried to get a picture of all the kids together before they left. 

Everyone is happy but Henry. He just wanted to be moving around on his own and not being held back and made to stay still. 

I loved having them here. The excitement of all the kids and the fun we all had reminds me of when I was a kid and we'd get together with cousins. I'm glad my kids have something kind of like that. With most cousins being so far away the kids don't get to see each other very often. However, with Brian moving to Oregon I think we will see them more. :) 


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