Warrior Dash and My Warrior

This was one of the reasons we only camped for one night. Lindsey really wanted to do the Warrior Dash for mutual on Tuesday evening. It's a muddy obstacle course made by a family in our ward. They set it up every year on their farm land. All the youth look forward to it every year. 

Lindsey is on the top row last one on the right. 
Lindsey loved it. Getting all muddy and sandy didn't seem to hinder her participation at all. She dove right in that muddy water and army crawled, jumped and climbed over things and slid down the water slide. 

And on a side note of what we do around here...

Jaime was testing our soil so he could know what it needed to help out the grass. He's pretty specific on how he wants his grass to look. I like that he wants it to look nice. :) Lindsey and Aidan wanted to help mix the chemicals with the soil in the little test tubes. Right up their alley really. 


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