At the Coast Again!!

I took the kids to Morales's to head to the coast. Jaime and I went the next day. 

I wonder how long it'll be until the 4 of them decide it's not that comfortable to all sit in the truck. But as much as they love to spend time with their grandparents that day may never come. 

All hitched up and ready to go!

When Jaime and I got their the next day it was almost immediately time to go to the beach. 

It was early evening so no one got all the way in the water but some had to get their feet wet. 

Olivia stayed with me trying to keep warm. The breeze was a little chilly. 

I can't say enough good things about Olivia. She's always so happy. She pops right up out of bed in the morning, makes her bed every day, loves toys, stuffed animals and make believe. She's going to have a hard time growing up and letting go of her toys. But I'm in no hurry to have her grow up. She's such a sweet mama hen who wants to help take care of others. Love her so. 

Cold water and sweat shirts. That pretty much describes the Oregon Coast. 

The next day was spent at the beach! The sun was out, the wind was gone and this kids were ready to full on play in the ocean. 

Building in the sand

Tyler is just laying in the water waiting for the waves to come. 

I was surprised to see Aidan getting in the water. He gets cold easily like I do. It didn't seem to bother him today though. 

Lindsey and Luna

Dogs at Fort Stevens state park seems to be a big thing. If you have a dog you better be bringing him to the camp ground. lol

Oh yeah and Storm was there as well. Marcus and Aide brought him. 

Doesn't even look like the normal Oregon Coast we see. 

Grandpa set up a shade tent. He and Aidan took advantage of the shade and shared some cheetos together. 

There was lots of bike riding. Some rode their bikes to see the military batteries and some of us drove over. 

Battery Russell

Army Jeep!

War soldiers showing their muskets

That's a tall gun!

We each got our turn with it. 

The soldier said they don't smile for pictures. The gun still looks too tall for Jaime. 

We took a truck tour around Fort Stevens

to see the different batteries. 

The entire fort base is really big. I enjoyed hearing about the history of the place. 

We learned the story behind Kilroy

That's a big truck!

where one of the guns was kept. It was one a system that would come up above the wall and after it shot it would recoil back down behind the wall out of sight from any ships that may be attacking. 

Inside one of the batteries

Here is a gun replica of the ones that would go up, shoot, then back down.  
After our tour Jaime and I packed up and drove home. The kids stayed the rest of the week.

Diana is always so good to send me pictures of the kids when I'm not there. 
Macy and Tyler built quite the sand castle. 

2017 at the beach! Jaime's cousins are having more kids and going to the coast at the same time each year more and more so my kids now have other kids to play with. They're all younger but it's still fun for the kids to have others to play with. 


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