Eclipse 2017

We jumped in on the excitement of the eclipse. First thing in the morning we headed to the planetarium to watch the free video on the eclipse. 

We learned about the different types of eclipses, why this one was such a big deal, and how often they happen. We got here at just the right time. Crowds started showing up. We had good seats and were able to get out of the crowded parking lot as so many were trying to get in. 

After the planetarium we went home to wait for the eclipse. We had our glasses and video came up to record, ready for the eclipse to start at 10:00am. 

Olivia and Emily camped out :)

The shadows from the eclipsed sun were fun to watch. You can see how much of the sun was covered by the crescent shaped shadows.

We made a couple different eclipse viewers. 

Here's another viewer

We ended up watching it on the front driveway with neighbors, Christensen's, Daw's, and Beus'. It was interesting to see how it got darker. We weren't in the total eclipse line but it did get darker. It felt like it was early morning but the sun was up higher. I felt like my contacts were kind of foggy and wanted to clear them but when I'd blink I'd still see the same. 

Later that evening we had FHE with the families of the sisters I serve with in the Stake Primary. We had a BBQ for dinner and swimming for an activity.  Makala Hales' husband is an institute/seminary teacher. He gave the lesson on the Brass Plates. He made a replica of them. Same size, shape and weight as what the witnesses have described. It was pretty amazing to see. 

Aidan, a lover of the Book of Mormon was pretty excited to get his hands on them. 

We each got to hold the plates. They weigh 60 pounds. Those are pretty heavy! I can't imagine having to carry them the way Joseph Smith did. 


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