Stake Girls Activity Day Camp

Being in the Stake Primary presidency I get to help with the stake girls activity day camp. A lot of work and time went in to this day long event. 

Lindsey was asked to be one of the models with a few other girls to show the younger girls modest clothing that is also trendy. 

A summer outfit

Sunday outfit

School outfit. 
She did a great job. Lindsey enjoyed the time she got to spend with the other young women. I appreciate Lindsey's willingness to serve these young girls. She is an example to girls wether she knows it or not.

Building bird houses

All the girls in the gym for their etiquette dessert. 

Sister Montiereth was the speaker.

She taught them how to properly and politely eat their dessert. When and how to wipe their mouths with the napkin. 

Olivia and Emily. These girls are still attached at the hip. 

There were many classes. This obstacle course one was amazing. It helped the girls learn to use team work. Not one activity could be done alone. 

There were 6 classes all based off a characteristic in the Women's General Conference meeting by Sister Oscarson called "Certain Women" It turned out to be an amazing day! There was such good feedback. The spirit was felt in each class. Each teacher did a great job giving a spiritually uplifting lesson and tying it in to their activity. 

We ordered shirts for each girl. Pink for 8-9 year olds and teal for 10-11 year olds. Because this day went off so well we have now planned for next year to be two days long. 


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