First Day of School 2017

Time to get back to schedules and routines. School started for these three on the 29th.

The boys are both at Maya Angelou Elementary and in 2nd and 3rd Grade. Aidan has the same teacher as last year. He's pretty excited about that. 

Olivia is in 6th grade, her last year at McClintock Elementary. Next year she will be in middle school. I really hope this year kind of helps her prepare for it. She's not eager to grow up so she may have a hard time with it. 

And the sisters by heart. Emily is taller than I am but I feel like she could be mine. I love her like I love Olivia. I love their friendship and pray it doesn't dwindle in middle school because the likely hood of them being in the same house of classes is very slim so they may not see each other at school other than on the bus to and from school. 

Because Lindsey is in 8th grade, top class of the school she didn't start school the same day as the others. Same at the high school. They make it so the 7th and 9th graders get the first day of school at a new building all to themselves to help them maneuver through the halls to find their classes. So with on Lindsey home on the first day of school we did some last minute school clothes shopping for her then went to Zip's for lunch. During this shopping trip we found that we wear the same size pants and shirts. What?!?!? Wow my little girl is growing into a young woman. 

Finally her first day came. She didn't think she wanted school to start but as she left for the bus stop with her friends she was happily chatting it up. 

The principal was walking through the classes and took this picture of Lindsey and sent it to Jaime. Yeah I think this is going to be a pretty good year for her. 


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