While the Kids Are Away

While the kids were away for over a week with Jaime's parents to the Oregon Coast. Their annual trip. Jaime is off to work so I have time alone during the day. After the house was all cleaned up I got to work on other projects I needed to do. 

I made these silhouettes for our stake primary activity day girls camp. 
Jaime set up the projector to the computer for me so I could just trace the heads onto the paper. The long part was cutting them out. I found a series to watch on Netflix and spent the entire day working on these heads. But they were done in one day so I didn't have to worry about them later. 

The last project was painting Lindsey's room. I painted it the teal another year she was at the coast. We decided it was darker than we wanted and she wanted a brighter, airy, beach feel. I borrowed an audio book from the library and got to work. I painted while listening to the book.

I love the sea salt color by Sherwin Williams. 

She will love it!!


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