Grandma's Funeral

Grandma's service was beautiful. Wonderful memories shared and beautiful music. What a tribute to her. 

Where Grandma and Grandpa are laid to rest is such a gorgeous place 

with the snow covered mountains surrounding them. 

Makaela, Mike, and me. It's been so long since I've seen these cousins. 

Warm hearts, warm smiles. 

It was so cold! 25 degrees with a wind chill in the teens. However, the spirit that was felt while we remembered Grandma with so many family members around helped warm our hearts. 

After the funeral we headed to the church for the luncheon. It's always good to spend that time catching up with family you haven't seen in so long. 

My dad and his brothers. 

Keven, Craig, Curtis, Laurel, Michele, Mary - all of the Hyrum and Rae Naylor children. 

Funerals also mean reunions, on both sides. <3 So grateful families can be together forever. 

Before we left Malad we stopped by the house that will forever be known as Grandma and Grandpa Naylor's house. Full of years of memories. Ones we carry within ourselves. 



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