My Grandma Naylor


I've had a lump in my throat all day today. My sweet Grandma Naylor passed away this morning. A few months ago I had a very vivid and bright dream. I was sitting in a classic model convertible with my grandpa. We sat together enjoying the bright sun and hearing others outside talking. We couldn't see them as they were on the other side of arborvitaes but I knew they were there. He told me he missed Grandma so much. He started to cry when he said that he was happy he wouldn't be alone on his next birthday. I cried as I hugged him. I woke crying and hugging Jaime. Grandpa's birthday is in June and I'm so grateful to know that they'll be together on his birthday. To make it even sweeter, my grandma was such a romantic that she had hundreds of romance novels. It just seems fitting that she would go to be with Grandpa on Valentine's Day. 

Grandma and Grandpa Naylor came to the Portland Temple when Jaime and I were sealed.

I love remembering them being part of this special day. 

Grandma and Grandpa are such a cute couple. I've enjoyed seeing my aunts post these pictures on their social media pages. 

Grandma. This picture is so beautiful. 

Grandpa and Grandma, Dad, me, and Lindsey - four generations. 

I'll miss seeing my grandparents but there is definitely peace knowing they are together and we will see them again. Death isn't the end. 


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