Tillamook Cheese Factory and Family Time

We went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory. The kids have been to it multiple times with their grandparents but it was a first for me. 

It was interesting to learn about the cows and go through the interactive activities. We learned about different types of cows and even "feed" a calf. 

It was cool to see how the cheese was made and then packaged. Seeing the giant blocks of cheese being cut, weighed, and packaged by all the machines is pretty amazing. 

Oh and the cheese samples and ice cream were a highlight. 

We did a little bit of shopping and saw this cute sign and thought it was the perfect spot to take a picture. 

Grandma and her granddaughters
Mom and Dad happened to be at the coast this same week with Grandpa, Uncle Dave and Aunt Chris, Uncle Tim and Aunt Mel. 

We went to their rental house and then went for a nice walk on the beach. I love that Jaime and I are friends with my parents. We really enjoy our time together. 

Yep, that's a happy girl right there. 

Family pics on the beach.

We spent a few hours at the beach. Walking it up and down and searching for treasure. 

My boys. 

We spent so much time outside walking around, enjoying the beauty.

Aidan was hunting for "puzzle rocks." Rocks that have broken apart but he can fit them back together. 

Mom and I took a good walk on the beach. We used to spend lots of time together when I lived a mile away. Getting a little time with her today was quite the treat. 

and walking and talking. 

Lindsey in her element. Running and climbing on the beach. 

We had lunch and played games.

and more games.

I love my grandpa.

It's so special that my parents take him to the coast so he can spend time with his children. 

Grandpa and his hugs. 

Lindsey went back down to the water later to jump and dance in the water. 

When Lindsey feels at home.

Aunt Mel busts out the ice cream!

Uncle Dave...still one of my favorite guys. 

We spent another evening relaxing in the hot tub. 



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