Vegas Getaway

Jaime and I took a quick trip to Las Vegas so Jaime could do some IT work at Brain's new dental practice. Obviously the big perk was seeing him and his family. Ezra was my little sidekick. 

Saturday night was a great date night with Brian and Summer. They took us to dinner at Ohjah for Chinese. The live cooking demonstration was pretty funny and impressive. Jaime even caught a shrimp in his mouth! (No, he does not like sea food. haha)

After dinner we went to watch Cirque du Soleil "Ka" at the MGM Grand. It was pretty impressive. Zither things a stage can do now to be a prop more than just a stage is amazing. 

After the show we walked the strip. 

We wanted to stop and see the dancing water show at the Bellagio. It's been a little over 15 years since we've last been here. Spending the evening out was fun. 

We didn't get back to the house till about 11:30. We packed in a lot on this date. We really enjoyed time with Brian and Summer.

We were able to grab some lunch at In-N-Out while we were there too! I got to sit with Maybe and talk to her during lunch. 



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