Girls Camp 2021


There were lots of fun activities for the girls at camp. 

They had a trust fall and a challenge course. Lindsey was a youth camp leader and did a great job explaining, leading, and demonstrating activities. I often hear adults commenting on Lindsey's great leadership skills. Something both her and Olivia have gotten from their dad. 

Lindsey leading another activity. 

Olivia on the challenge course. 

They had a giant water slide, axe throwing, archery, 

and a service project. 

Girls Camp 2021. The girls were so excited to be able to go back to camp. It wasn't on a stake wide level so there are still covid restrictions keeping camp to being normal. But our ward leaders felt we should have camp and not cancel it two years in a row. I am so glad. It was a great team building week for them. 

After camp the older group of girls got to raft the Wenatchee River. It was Lindsey's first time rafting. She was really nervous going since Olivia had reservations letting her go. Olivia's friend died while rafting last year. 

Sounds like they were told to hold this position a little too long and didn't get started paddling into the rapid as soon as they should have.

As luck would have it Lindsey and three others on their raft were tossed into the water. 

Lindsey was shaken up about it but did a great job doing what she was supposed to do until she was pulled out of the water. 

Overall she had a lot of fun and tried something new. 


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