The Last Day of School - 2020/2021

The last day of school is here. It feels like they just started in person school full time...oh wait, because they did! All four were so glad to be back in person full time a couple months ago. This feels like the shortest but also the longest school year. They've each had their highs and lows throughout the year. We're hoping this fall they won't have to still wear masks, do temp checks, stay distanced at lunch or class and just be able to go back to normal. With all that's gone on, we're ready to summa like we used to!

Tyler - first and last day

Aidan - first and last day

Olivia - first and last day

Lindsey - first and last day

Jaime's last last day of school as principal at McClintock Stem Elementary

All the original owls! These people have been working at the school with Jaime since it opened. Having this many want to stay under his roof says a lot about Jaime...

As well as this. He's received so many wonderful cards and notes and emails from staff who has loved working for him and learning from him. 

He cleaned out his office. It looks a lot bigger with everything out but furniture. And the long empty hallway. We spent many evenings in the winter coming here to get walks in. It was kinda fun actually. 

Jaime's name will forever be on this building. What an honor. 

Farewell McClintock

No one could do what you did with this school Jaime. YOU created something special from the day the dirt began to move to when the doors opened for students. I'm excited to see what  amazing things you do in the high school. 



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