We Made it to Canada!

The Canadian/US Boarder is still closed except to essential travel due to Covid. I read about this cool park called Peace Arch Park to go visit. It straddles the boarder and you don't need a passport to go. So the kids were really excited to "leave the country" and check out the park. 

This is the Peace Arch. It stands on the boarder line of the countries. It was erected in remembrance of the friendliness between our countries. 

It was sad to see the boarder gates literally closed

because inside the peace arch it says this! Gates are closed due to war and unrest but due to a global pandemic. They closed boarders in hopes to limit the mass spread. 

These flowers will grow and bloom to make a giant American flag. I wish I could see it in full. 

The Canadian flag has grown in real well already. 

Kissing across countries :)

My parents. So grateful to have this time with them. 

I liked the saying on the top. We're all connected by a Heavenly Mother. 

I took a screen shot on my phone of our location on maps. We are on the boarder folks...two places at a once. :D



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