San Juan Island

We took the ferry ride to San Jaun Island. We almost didn't make the ferry! I totally spaced grabbing our ferry tickets in our condo. We turned around and Jaime sped making great time getting to the ferry dock. The parking lot meter wouldn't take dad's credit card so we all just ran through the office and onto the ramp to get on the ferry. As we were going through the lady stopped us saying we needed masks. We hadn't needed them much so didn't think to grab them. Luckily the lady reached into her booth at got some for us and we ran up the ramp get on the ferry. The person putting the rope up said we were lucky, mom said no we were blessed. :)

Friday Harbor

So after the ferry ride we got to the island and went to get our rental cars. These cute little gutless Chevy Trackers. :D 

Cruising the entire perimeter of the island with the top down was fun.

Cattle Point Lighthouse
This little light house wasn't really a light house. It was used to sent radio signals to boats for location rather than light. The windows were really just painted on. 

We stopped at the best whale watching site in the area. Unfortunately we didn't spot any whales. We were a week or two too late for them passing by. Olivia wanted so bad to see one. They are her favorite. 

Lime Kiln's a real lighthouse with windows even. ;)

We stopped by the alpaca farm. 

This guy had the best hair atop his head blowing in the wind.

Roche Harbor and lunch was our last stop before going back to Friday Harbor and the ferry. 

This place is so cute!

I loved the board walk, boats in the marina, and the patriotic decor that was out for the Fourth of July. 

This city is so cute. We ate lunch at a cute little cafe on the boardwalk. 

This is a lime kiln. Lime was mined here to be used in the making of steel, concrete, paper, etc. I had no idea!

We walked around Friday Harbor and checked out the shops and sites around there before getting back on the ferry.

Mom took this picture on the way to the island. This is how crazy things are to me. In the morning we had to wear masks. By the time we left to ride back to the mainland masks were no longer required...because it was suddenly safe enough now because now the state is opening up per the governors mandates. Even the bathroom stalls on the ferry were taped off to only allow access to every other one. But on the way back they were all available to use. Not sure a few hours in the day made the difference but to the government it does. We are so ready for everything to be opened up and masks to be discarded. 



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