
A couple weeks ago I was asked about getting Jaime to a farewell party for him at his assistant principal's (Scott Raab) house. I made sure to keep the evening open for us. Even letting our friends know when they wanted to get together for a game night. Scott and his wife invited Jaime and I to "dinner" at their house. When it was time to go Jaime realized that he didn't have the address! I had the address from the invite that was sent to me via email but I couldn't let Jaime know I had it! So Jaime texted Scott for it. Scott was busy getting dinner ready with the rest of the staff already at his house that he didn't see Jaime's message right away so we did get to the party a little late. Everyone was so good to park away from the house. As we drove up Scott walked out and lead us around the house to the back yard saying that we'd be eating outside. Jaime just chatted as we walked and then was totally surprised when everyone yelled SURPRISE!! He had no idea! Keeping something like this from Jaime isn't always easy. Many of the staff said they figured Jaime knew but he didn't. The surprise was a success.

Everyone loves Jaime so much. Many are sad to see Jaime leaving McClintock and going to the high school. Some even said if they could teach secondary grades they'd happily follow him to the high school. 

Jaime gave a good farewell speech. 

We were showered with themed gift baskets from each grade level. They are great gift givers! Date night basket, movie night basket, game night, BBQ, car wash and care basket, cookie of the month club, movie tickets and candy, dinner cruise, just so many great things! We had a really good time. I'm so glad that Jaime has such an impact on an entire school and so many people. People love and respect Jaime. He truly is good at what he does. 



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