Celebration #2

We celebrated Olivia's birthday earlier this month with the Naylor family and today we celebrated Olivia's birthday with the Morales side. Martin and Diana and Bel and Chris came for dessert and gifts. 

Bel sure knows Olivia's likes. 

A bag full of yummy sweets. :)

and a beautiful anklet. 

And a pair of bright white Vans.

Lindsey is so sweet. She wanted to get something for Olivia that would be a connection to the two of them. With it being Olivia's 16th birthday she'd be getting her driver's license. 

So Lindsey got Olivia a key chain. But not just any keychain.

One that references a show they love to watch together, Psych. It says "You are the Gus to my Shawn." Characters in the show. Super sweet idea Lindsey. <3

A pair of Nike shoes from Grandma and Grandpa Morales. This girl LOVES her shoes. 



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