Today's the DAY!

It's the big birthday! Olivia's friend Brinley was so sweet to put together a gift basket for Liv and drop it off this morning. 

Olivia is officially 16 and now eligible to date. Her first date is with her dad.


There's no school today because it's President's Day so Jaime took Olivia out in the afternoon for a lunch date. 

Headed out in the Beast of a truck to cruise to lunch. 

Olivia chose Olive Garden because she wanted soup (Zuppa Tuscana soup), salad and breadsticks. You can never go wrong with that for lunch!

One of Olivia's favorite places to go. She loves their macarons. Jaime was so sweet to take Olivia there to get a box of them. 

Such pretty macarons! 

For dinner she chose her usual of waffles with strawberries and cream. A hit for everyone. 

After dinner was dessert. Cupcakes and macarons. 

We missed Lindsey tonight. But this bunch of four here sure are great looking. I'm so glad they were here to help make Olivia feel special and celebrate her. 

After dinner we played the game Century. Olivia picked up on it quick and even won! What a way to top off your birthday. 


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