Annual Fun

We had our annual trip to the Oregon Coast this year. We were able to stay at my sister Emily's one night on the way. It was good to see them and watch a couple movies in 3D. Quite the movie, that Tangled when you watch it in 3D.

We did some school shopping before we headed for Fort Stevens. We only had Olivia and Tyler and Jaime's parents took Lindsey and Aidan.

Here's Tyler and Olivia in a "ride" at the mall.

Relaxing with a movie in bed in the trailer. Oh yeah, that's how we camp.

 Aidan's ready for bed.

Didn't take long for the boys to make themselves at home in our cabin.
If you're going to camp where it's generally cold...these cabins are the way to go. They're new this year to Fort Stevens State Park. They have a kitchen, living room, bedroom, AND bathroom. Totally beats staying in the yurt like we have the past few years.


How can you resist? Let him eat the cheeto.

Dress up even when camping? Why not, we go to have a good time.
Gotta love a girls desire to imagine.

Tyler loved the freedom of being outside so much.

The boys got to where they thought Uncle Oscar was pretty cool.

Popcorn and a movie in the cabin anyone?

Our room

Our last day at the cabin.

We are definitely staying in a cabin next time we go.

Lindsey and Olivia had such a good time.
They played so well together and with
their "cousin" Macy.

We were saying our goodbyes...notice the kids aren't happy,
 especially the girls.
They weren't ready to go home. The trip really wasn't long enough. Jaime and I weren't ready to leave yet either but work calls.

The drive home was great. All the kids did well and we made good time.
It's always good to end the trip well.


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