School's Back

What better way to start the school year off than with a Back to School party with friends the day before school starts.

The kids enjoyed snacks, swimming, jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler on underneath and

playing in the sand! My kids really enjoyed that!

It's not often I let them play in dirt. Sorry, I have a hard time with it but they do get to do things like this sometimes so they aren't completely deprived.

Today was the first day of school. The girls were both excited and didn't seem nervous at all.

Lindsey came home from school with the biggest smile on her face.

Olivia loved school. She wished she could stay longer she said. She was excited to see Lindsey at recess too. I'm so glad they are such good friends

Yes I still had a hard time letting them go off school. I cried when I took Lindsey to kindergarten, 1st grade (even to her new 1st grade class after we moved) and you bet I cried when my Liv went to school. I miss them when they are gone and only hope they are happy and don't get hurt, physically and emotionally.

I have a few more years before I have to let Aidan go but right after him is Tyler very close about hard to let your babies go!
I love my kids so much and enjoy watching them grow and learn and even teach me so much along the way.


  1. Looks like a lot of fun! They look so happpy to be in school!

  2. It is crazy how we have 2 at school now! Your girls look so darling! I too love how they're such good friends! :)

  3. If I was their teacher I would be thrilled! They are such cutie pies and I'm sure they're both great students!


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