My Baby!

Lindsey amazes me all the time with the things she comes up with. She's growing up so fast and maturing. Last Saturday after a BBQ Lindsey came up to me and said she wanted her ears pierced. I was surprised because she said she wouldn't do it until she was a teenager or so. (I never thought she had a very high pain tolerance.) I said she could do it when she was ready and willing to take care of them. Well, she said she was ready now. And boy was she ever. She was so excited for it. I told her we wouldn't have time until Monday. She could hardly sleep Sunday night because she was so anxious for Monday. Morning came and we got everyone ready and headed out to poke holes in Lindsey's ears.

I had planned on getting it on video but I have a new camera and thought I was recording but by the time I realized it wasn't, they were done piercing. So I have pictures for you to see instead.

She was very brave and happy.

I was glad they had two girls do it at the same time.
I think Lindsey was too.
She didn't even tear up and said "Ouch." after they were done.

She picked diamonds because, "They will go with everything!"
That's my girly girl.


  1. How pretty! She sure is growing up. Arieanna mentioned her the other day about how she wants to go play! That would be fun to get together!!

  2. What a trooper!! Cami has been asking for awhile, I just can't get myself to do it... it's a sign to me that they are growing up :)


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