My own harvest

I've never planted and grown my own garden before. 
This year I've done it all by myself and I'm excited to see that stuff is actually growing, and well.  
Is it fun? Not really but I do like being able to see the "fruits (or vegetables) of my labor."
 So many people have given me food from their gardens and this year I have been able to share zucchini and squash. I think those are the easiest to grow and they grow fast and a lot!

I don't have a huge garden and that's just great for me. Next Spring we plan on building a few more boxes and planting more so we'll have more home grown goodness next year.
My tomatoes are just starting to turn. I've only picked two but there's a lot growing and I'm hoping to can lots this year!


  1. Thats so awesome!!! There is something wonderful about growing your own food :)


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