Jaime and Lisa Plus Seven?

Four days after we got back from the coast I had the opportunity to watch three of my sister's kids for five days. Yes it's just as tiring as it sounds.
Aidan 2, Olivia 5, Emma 4, Lindsey 7, Jacob 6, William 2, Tyler 1
We took all seven to church with us. (Tyler didn't want to get in the picture so even though you only see six there are seven.) People saw us walking to church and wondered just how many kids the Morales' had.

The three younger boys had a blast burying Jaime under pillows and then he'd explode out from under them in a roar.

The kids did puzzles...

Played outside, alot...


And ate...alot.
Meal times were long, kind of chaotic, and all planned. I posted a menu for all meals and snacks everyday. It made things run a little smoother and the kids knew what to expect so they ate pretty well.  Lindsey and Jacob liked to read what they'd get to eat.
 Needless to say I was tired but the kids all did really well. They played well and were well behaved. Hopefully they'll all have good memories about it.
It's just a lot of work taking care of seven kids seven and under.
Way to go Kate plus Eight!


  1. You are seriously amazing!!! I dont' know how you did it, but... amazing :)


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