Botch BOTOX?!

Today I had my first cavity filled. I know, nothing to be proud of and believe me I'm not. I blame it on having kids though. Why not? Having kids affects your hair, nails, gums...why not your teeth too?
When I got home Jaime and I couldn't stop laughing. My face looked hilarious! Good thing I can laugh about it because it's really not a pretty sight...
have a look yourself. :)

If you cover one side of my face you can see my true smile. 
I was numb up to my eye and my ear too!
Felt very weird.

Talk about a crooked kiss! I couldn't get my lips to pucker very well.

Look I can smile and there's no smile lines on the right side of my face!
Still crooked though. :)
Have you seen the trailer for the movie "Joyful Noise?' It has Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah in it. If you see Dolly smile, there are no smile lines on her face! She looks older but not really if that makes sense. Makes me laugh when I see it and now that I see my face doing the same it's even more funny!

Almost back to normal.
It took a good 8-9 hours for all the numbing to wear off and I had no tingling at all. Glad to be back.:)


  1. Funny! I unfortunately, have had way too many of those experiences... thank you parents for passing down teeth that rot out with cavities! At least I have naturally straight teeth, that is a bonus I don't complain about!


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