The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

We've been busy here in the Morales household. Kids are excited for Christmas and all the activities that go on during this time of year. I love making my house smell festive with "winter" scents and watching Christmas movies. 

Lindsey told me she wanted to learn how to play the piano so she's started lessons. She's very eager and loves to practice. I hope it's something that keeps on going for her.

Since Lindsey was playing the piano Olivia thought it looked fun so she too is learning and taking lessons. I hope that she'll want to keep up at it too.

 Aidan isn't one to be left out so he's attempting to play as well. :) I've tried to explain some to him but he just likes to play and look at the book. Good practice until he's really ready, right?

 We went to the Lighted Boat Parade. It was nice to just sit by the river in our car and listen to Christmas music. The boys were in awe over the boats. Tyler was so excited each time a new one was coming.

This boat's lights changed scenes from a train engine, to train car, to caboose. It was everyone's favorite.

And of course Santa has to be at the end of the parade. He was shouting Merry Christmas to all the cars and viewers. Kids thought it was great to see Santa on a boat.

On Saturdays Lowes does a free Build and Grow workshop for kids to build wooden things. Three weeks in a row they've been working on building a train. Here the girls are working on a coal car. On the 17th they get to make the engine!

So that's are recent update and we have many fun things coming up still!!!
Stay tuned.


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