Full of Fun

This weekend has been nonstop fun and busy, busy. We had our wonderful friends the Anderson's over for a sleepover. We've tried getting one together before but things just don't work out. We planned and scheduled this weekend just over a month ago. We almost thought maybe it wasn't going to happen again as we have such busy lives but I'm glad it worked out.

All the kids enjoyed playing the Wii. Here it's the younger boys' turn. It's fun to see their reactions to how they do. :)

Getting ready for bed.

Lindsey and Cami playing on iPod touches just before lights out.

After the kids went to bed us adults got to stay up later than we should just visiting and enjoying the time  together. 

Saturday morning after breakfast and more Wii playing Jaime and Jeremy took Cami, Lindsey, Alex, and Olivia to the Lowes Build and Grow workshop to build a train. 

While they were gone Carina and I took Aidan, Carson, and Tyler to the Stake Center behind our house to see the Stake Nativity presentation. It was so beautiful. A lot of work went in to it. 

Tyler didn't want to dress up and either did Aidan, or pose for a picture.

Carina and Carson. So cute!

After Anderson's left late afternoon our families came by to help us celebrate Tyler's 2nd birthday. 

Tyler would open a little of the paper and see what was inside. He had just woken up from a nap so he needed a little help opening the presents. It must have been too much work for him.

Tyler loves Cars 2, Thomas the Train, and Mickey Mouse. That's exactly what he got for his birthday presents too. Lucky kid.

He loves the candles 

 And having everyone sing to him

And especially blowing them out. Way to go kid!

Then after family had dinner and dessert again, they headed out the door and then in the door came the "other" Andersons. Another wonderful family who are great friends of ours. I watched the kids while their parents went on a date. They all played so well I hardly saw them. Aidan, Tyler, and Olivia went to bed early because they were so tired from the late night sleepover the night before. :)

It doesn't matter whose birthday it is, all the kids get to enjoy the birthday toys. 

Jaime and my brother Darin had gone shopping in the evening and after they got back Darin decided to stay the night instead of drive home. Darin surprised me by getting to our house at 11:30 a.m. today and stayed the day with us (and the night).

Our house has been full and I've loved having everyone who came. I tend to get a little nervous when I'm hosting/entertaining and I don't know why. I want everything to be perfect I suppose and even if it isn't, it doesn't seem to matter. We always have a great time. When I was putting Lindsey to bed tonight she told me that she likes it when days go fast but when she's with her friends she wants time to go slow. I know exactly how she feels. :) We all had a great time.


  1. Sounds like so much fun! My girls miss your girls so bad. We should get together to let them hang out sometime:-) Btw, your hair is getting sooo long;-)

  2. We had so much fun with you guys last weekend. Thanks for squeezing us in :). I kept thinking about you guys during that time and how much you had going on. You are such a wonderful hostess and I still won't forget that elegant towel folding you did in the bathroom :)


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