A Hiking We Will Go

A quick stop for some ice cream and then we headed to the Red Woods.

There were many giant trees that were hollow so we climbed in to take a look.

It's quite the playground for the kids. They so many places to run and climb.


The Morales Family

The Covington Family

We took a walk along the beach. It was a fun and beautiful hike to get to Hidden Beach.
The kids liked to Skip Throw rocks in the ocean.

I love having Jaime home for a month in the summer. Wish it could be longer but we need the work right? I Love my best friend.

There were a lot of star fish and anemones in the tide pools

Tyler wanted to touch everything. He was so intrigued by it all. 

My wonderful sister Emily and I 

Typical west coast mist over the beach. Its beautiful, but I appreciate it more if it's warmer. I don't enjoy the cold wind and humidity but this week that we were there wasn't too bad. As long as I have my long sleeves and pants I'm good. :)

We had so much fun hanging out. The kids played well together outside, digging in the yard, playing in the woods, on the beach…you name it, they had fun together. When the kids were in bed we stayed up and watched some 3D movies, staying up way later than we should have but if we could do it again, we'd stay up late still. It was a great week. I love my sister!


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