History in the Making

On July 12th we attended a family reunion of my Grandpa Earl Noble's siblings, and their kids, and their kids. :) Most were people I'd never met. It was good to see some of my Grandpa's family. I didn't realize he had so many siblings. It was a good family history event. 

Aidan sat next to and talked with this guy like he knew him. They mostly spoke about video games. :)
Horrible, but I can't remember his name. He's married to a daughter or granddaughter of Alnora (?) I think...

1. Tyler holding my cousin's new baby, Colter
2. Lori and my cousin Jessica
3. Aidan, me, Uncle Frank
4. Grandpa Earl and Grandma Hazel Noble

Making root beer! 

The kids pretended they were making spells with a potion.

Wayne, Alnora, Earl

Zina and Earl

I can't remember most of the people I met at this reunion but it was neat for my Grandparents and mom. Everyone had a good time catching up and meeting family.

Just before this reunion my grandparents house, which was sold, was torn down. My cousin Adam was able to go and watch the demolition and record and take pics. The house was so old and run down, bat infested in the attic, cracked and knocked off its foundation from the growing city construction around it that the house wasn't suitable to live in anymore. Adam took some great pictures for all of us to remember.

The barn had caught on fire a long time ago. The burned portion was rebuilt but you can still see black from the smoke damage on the back half. 

There goes the house

The house, garage, wood shop (grandpa was a great carpenter), and surrounding trees are all gone. The owner left the barn up and wants to try and incorporate it into his business…a brewery. 


  1. So many fun things you've been up to this summer! Gotta love summer :)


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