Heading Home

After we left Emily's we made a few stops on the way home. 

Jaime has never been to my Aunt Mel's house. Every time I've gone to visit her Jaime's had to work and couldn't come. We finally made it to Roseburg together! However, Aunt Mel and Uncle Tim aren't there because they're serving a mission in Florida. So we stopped by her house anyway and sent her this pic saying Jaime's here now, where was she?! We will have to go another time when Mel and Tim are back. 
We stayed at my cousin Jared's house in Roseburg instead. Jared and Michelle were so welcoming. Their four kids and our four kids have so much fun together and are all similar in age. It's been a couple years since we've seen them so it was good to have the time to catch up. 

The rope swings are awesome

They could do this all day! If they weren't on the swings they were up in the treehouse.

Rylee, Olivia, Tyson

Lindsey, Tyson, Tyler, Aidan - swinging away. Look at that face!

Jared, Michelle, me

Off to our next destination…Portland. We did some school shopping, of course.

This treehouse was a playground at the mall for the kids to play in.

Very cute. I want one!

We went to see my Uncle Dave, Aunt Chris, my cousin Jessica and Tony, and their kids. We sat outside in the shade visiting and then went out to dinner.

Olivia, Lindsey, Jazmine 
These kiddos have lots of fun together. We get to see Jess and fam quite a bit this summer.

Aunt Chris, Uncle Dave, me, Tyler 
Dave has a little soft spot in my heart. I've enjoyed being able to see him so much recently.

While the adults visited some more outside, these girlies did what girls do best, play dolls.

One night we stayed in a hotel by the airport. Hotels are my kids' favorite. That could be a vacation in itself! We like to swim at the pool but this time I think they liked watching all the planes more. It was hard to peal Tyler way from the window for anything. When I was getting the kids in bed I couldn't find Tyler, he was behind the closed curtains watching the planes land and take off. He was even making tally marks on a note pad to keep track of how many planes he saw. 
It was a good week and half trip and that's just the beginning of our summer time trips!


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