Dean Naylor Family Reunion 2014

From July 16-20 we were gone for the Hyrum Dean Naylor Family Reunion at Malad Summit Campground. We stopped in Pocatello to surprise my Grandma Naylor at her new home. As we walked in to the building there were some people sitting in the commons room. I saw Grandma sitting in a chair and started walking over to her. She was so surprised. The look of complete shock and joy on her face made our drive well worth it. 

She showed us her room and all she had set up in it. It was so good to see her. 

Aidan took a little rest in the tent shortly after we got it all set up. He was very excited to be camping.

On Thursday evening we took Dad with us to go see my Grandparents old house that is now for sale. The giant pine trees in the front had just been cut down. I have never seen their entire house up front before. It was always blocked by these giant trees. It really is a cute old house. I remember many a summers here. 

Side entrances to kitchen, basement, and second floor. The house used to be two residences long ago before my grandparents bought it when it was remodeled into a single family home. 

Probably the last pictures we will get on the front stoop. 

This was always a prime picture place when we had reunions here. 

I showed the kids Boot lane. Theres miles of fence with boots put on top of each post. I always thought it was cute and creative and wanted to share. The kids liked it too.

Dutch oven cooking for Friday night's dinner!

Matt, Austin, and Justin being silly themselves. 

Keven, Laurel, Mary, Michele and Grandma Mary Rae Naylor

4 generation pictures
Lisa, Keven, Lindsey, Rae




Olivia saying bye to Great-grandma Naylor. Aunt Laurel was able to bring grandma to the reunion during the day. 

Matt and Me

When we were driving around Aidan saw the log cabin houses and said,
"Hey! My lincoln logs!" cutest quote during that trip. We all got a good laugh out of it. 

Off to go fishing! They could hardly wait.

Aidan was so patient and stood there forever. He never caught anything...

But Lindsey did. You can barely see her pink sweater to the right. Michaela is helping her.

Fun crafts

Tyler was in heaven being outside all day with hills and rocks to climb.

Dad and I cleaning up after dinner.

Erika, Aidan, and Connor around the campfire.Hyru

playing games

Group selfie!

This is all who could make it. There were a lot not there. As everyone gets older and spreads out it's harder and harder for us to all get together. Even in my own family!

On Saturday we drove to Boise to stay the night. We let the kids go swimming for a bit. We ate dinner at Tucanos. The kids loved it. I was hesitant to take them because I didn't think they'd eat much but they did well!

We went to the Dead Zoo (Cabela's)

And we probably spent more time there than we needed. :) It was fun having Dad with us on this trip. Another summer trip for 2014 down in the books.


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