Fun with Friends

On July 24th we got together with Andersons and Potters. We didn't get to do a family vacation this year. The original plan started in February for all of us to go camping. It didn't work out to vacation with these amazing families because Ben and Corinne were packing and getting ready to move. So sad. We will miss them but hope to be able to go visit them in their knew home!

I snapped a few pictures of these cute friends. 
1. Tyler, Caleb, and Carson setting up car races.
2. Lucy, Lindsey, and Cami hanging out in Cami's room with the birds.
Jaime, Jeremy, and Ben making fishing poles. It doesn't matter what any of these kids do, they have fun just being together. We all do. 

I got Corinne to jump on the trampoline with me!  
Yup, we're all a bunch of kids who like to play when we all get together :)
We'll miss you Ben and Corinne and Family!


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