Journal Entry

I had the blessing of sitting with our youth  to listen to Elder Bednar and Sister Bednar during their "Face2Face :-)(-:" question and answer session. It was wonderful. I felt the Spirit as they gave such wonderful answers and advice. They gave direction through scriptures showing that sometimes we need to search for an answer and not just be told the answer. 

I like how Elder Bednar said that sometimes a bad thought will enter our mind without us seeking for it. (Such as a billboard or commercial) That doesn't make us bad but we can quickly change that thought by a good thought ie song or scripture or something uplifting. 

They shared that sometimes we may have a question about the church that we can't seem to get an answer to. Move forward with what we do know about the gospel and use faith that the other answers will come with study or patience or maybe it's just not time. There are many things about Gods plan we won't know and listening to Elder Bednar tell us that these doubts are not the same as mistrusting the church. The doubts and questions are okay to have. Seek, ask, knock. He said many times. 

They spoke about recognizing thoughts and if it's the Holy Ghost. I liked how he said that if its a good thought, be it remembering what your mother said or knowing it's the Holy Ghost, what does it matter? All good things come from God. 

I'm not a person good with words and what I'm paraphrasing probably isn't nearly close to what was said. But I can't deny the spirit that was felt. I know this man is called of God. There were so many good questions and answers that these two gave. I don't have to be a scriptorian to recognize the Holy Ghost. 

The youth in our ward amaze me. They recognize the Holy Ghost when it speaks to them. They share wonderful testimonies. I learn so much from these kids and am excited to see how my children will be as teenagers. Will I be able to raise them to gain a strong testimony of their own? I feel blessed to be living in an area where there are so many members for my children to be around. I didn't get that growing up. I'm truly grateful to have gained a testimony of my own when I know it would have been so easy for me to fall away. At times I thought I'd be ok with it. However, I do remember one day in particular when I was about 18. I didn't have a strong testimony at the time but something in me (the Holy Ghost I know now) told me that I wanted to stay in the church and go to the temple to be truly happy. At the time I didn't tell anyone (actually I never have till now) that I felt that way. I guess I wasn't exactly ready to move in that direction at the time but I did know that I would. Sounds weird I know but I really do remember this clear as day. Where I was sitting, who I was with even. It's interesting to me to recognize now the times I'd been told something by the Spirit that back at the time it happened I didn't recognize it.
And experiences like this, remembering past experiences, make my testimony grow as well. :) 


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